Saturday, October 16, 2010

update on Liana

Just a little update on Liana...

Monday she had a check up with her surgeon and cardiologist. Both were very pleased with her progress. Her heart looks good. Her body responded very well to the Fontan procedure.
The chest x-ray was clear. Liana has no fluid build up in her lungs! She will continue taking the Lasix for a while, but thankfully the doctor decreased the dosage. One big need is healing of the actual surgical wound on her chest. It began to gap open a little, so the surgeon changed instructions a bit on its care. Stitches were removed from five places in her chest where the drain tubes had been. That was torture to her! It took two medical people, plus us parents, to hold her still. We felt so sorry for her! Please agree with us for the Lord's protection over Liana, from infection and sickness, as she continues her recovery over the next six weeks.

We truly love our dear, sweet daughter Liana and praise the Lord for the privilege of being her parents! Thanks again for your prayers and support during this time. We feel loved and blessed.

Love in Christ,
Guy and Tina Marie

Liana thanks you too!
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sixth day: Sunday, October 03, 2010

We are home!

Praise the Lord! Liana’s surgery was successful! Her recovery is exceptional! She’s been released from the hospital to continue the healing process! We rejoice in God’s goodness! He has heard our prayers. Thanks to all who interceded for Liana. God is awesome!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Moments of Fun

Photo Reflections of Hospital Stay

5th day in hospital

Liana slept great last night! We are continually praising the Lord for how well she is doing. Today the last chest tube was removed! It was a momentary painful procedure. Bless her heart! Tomorrow she will have an echocardiogram. The doctors are pleased with her progress. She is following instructions and walking along with sitting up in a chair a lot today. She spent at least two hours in the playroom painting, crafting and playing house. Thanks for your prayers! We see God moving before our eyes. Praise His holy name!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fourth Day: Friday, October 1, 2010

We had a rough night! Liana woke up every hour until about 4:00 A.M. Her chest was hurting a lot. A chest x- ray was taken. Thankfully it looked good! Her doctor explained that the symptoms she’s been having are common following a Fontan procedure. Her doctor prescribed something a little stronger for this evening, if we need it. Liana has walked four times today, and she has been doing her physical therapy blowing exercise really well. This afternoon she painted and played in the children’s activity room. Another tube was removed from her chest this evening! The doctor indicated we should go home before too long.

Third Day: Thursday, September 30, 2010

Liana had a wonderful day with lots of visitors including a clown. A chest draining tube was removed. She started running a low grade fever around bedtime, plus she was panting. We called family and some friends to pray.